Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Having an income equivalent to the provincial minimum wage (UMP) is often called just barely. Never mind saving for the future, even surviving is sometimes difficult.
When the amount of expenditure is above income, a person uses savings to survive. And if savings are drained, then debt can also be taken up.
Debts that continue to pile up and cannot be paid off can certainly make life difficult for the person concerned, and make them fall into poverty.
For those whose salary is equivalent to the UMP, the following things can be done to save their finances.
Adopt a frugal lifestyle
Frugal living It doesn't mean just reducing your monthly expenses and making you suffer. However frugal living has a holy goal, namely a way to achieve financial goals
Those who implement frugal living must prioritize their short and long term goals, and cut expenses that are relevant in life. As a result, they look more economical.
Even though you are thrifty, there is nothing wrong with saving or using the money we have for things we like as long as it is in proportion.
Just allocate a maximum of 10% of your monthly salary to buy or do things you like. So that in the future, you can be enthusiastic about working again.
Have an emergency fund
Record your expenses in as much detail as possible to find out how much you spend in a month. And start saving an emergency fund every month with 10% of your income until you have accumulated money equivalent to up to six times your monthly expenses.
For those of you who are single, an emergency fund equivalent to three times your monthly expenses is certainly sufficient. However, for those of you who are married, provide a minimum of six monthly expenses.
Don't seek treatment using savings
With minimal health insurance in the form of BPJS Health, you will not spend money if you have to undergo treatment, whether outpatient or inpatient.
Make sure your workplace always pays your BPJS Health contributions, because if not, you won't be able to use the free medical treatment facilities.
So what's up with insurance? Should people with a minimum wage need to buy health insurance?
Considering that your income is still relatively mediocre, health insurance is not mandatory as long as you have BPJS.
Invest in yourself
Do you need to invest regularly by buying financial assets or real assets? The answer to this question is of course, “necessary.” But how do you invest if you still find it difficult to allocate money for living?
Invest in yourself, spend your money to seek as much knowledge as possible so you can gain new skills. Because this knowledge will support your performance in the world of work, which in the end can increase your income.
And focus your investment in long-term financial instruments first. Call it like a pension fund.
No need to worry about postponing short-term desires in order to get optimal results in the future.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]