Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Changing times make views on work also change. Previously used to be a climber cleaner or scrubbers mostly done by men.
However, now many people are leaving this job. Of course because of disgust and many other jobs that look more “wow”.
All this creates an imbalance in demand and supply for the profession scrubbers. Practically, anyone who does it has the potential to make a profit.
That's what Kim Sang Seob did. This man from South Korea (South Korea) has been a climber cleaner since 1989.
Actually, in South Korea, residents often do skin care. Usually done in spas or special places.
Due to profession scrubbers have been abandoned, they cannot be satisfied with caring for their skin. At this point, Kim did her job.
As the name suggests, he is tasked with helping visitors professionally scrub dead skin on inaccessible parts of the body. He uses a special towel to massage and rub visitors' dirt.
Ordinary people certainly see this activity as very disgusting, but not Kim. Since working since the 1980s, Kim has not considered climbing as dirt but as works of art.
“I never thought I was just rubbing my body. I consider it art. The body in front of me is my work of art,” said Kim on the Ordinary Millionaire program, quoted Thursday (2/5/2024).
Now, Kim has become the most senior climber in Ginseng Country. He is nicknamed the 'Master of Scrubbing by many. Due to the fact that no one else works as a climber, Kim always makes a profit while working.
From the age of 20, scrubbing climbers can earn US$ 3,000 or Rp. 48 million. In fact, now he doesn't work alone and has set up his own business.
In this business, there are eight other mountain scrubbers who can gain profits of up to US$ 30,000 per month or Rp. 485 million. According to local media Korea Boothe nominal is equivalent to the employee's salary entry-level in a large South Korean company.
Of course, not everyone can join a big company and receive that big a monthly salary. Therefore, the job of scrubbing climbs is very profitable. Can get rich faster.
As a result, Kim hopes that many other young people will carry out his work after the show airs. Korea Boo reported that as a result of the event, the scrubber work received positive interest. Kim's business is becoming increasingly well known to many people.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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