Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia-The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) revealed 8 methods that ASN often use to violate the principle of neutrality in elections. KASN Chairman Agus Pramusinto said the first method used was socialization on social media.
“Our hands are very skilled, but we can slip,” said Agus in his presentation at the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) coordination meeting, on Tuesday (6/2/2024).
Agus continued that the mode of open violation of the principle of neutrality that is often encountered is ASN influencing colleagues and the public regarding political choices. Then the third, he said, is social assistance with APBN/APBD funds with political motives. “Then there is social assistance using the APBN or APBD with political motives,” he said.
Agus said that the next mode of violation committed by ASN was facilitating the socialization of election participants in the form of visits, thanksgivings or friendships. The fifth mode, he said, is to become a team that prepares the vision and mission of election participants.
Then number 6 attended a political party birthday event. Seventh, facilitating support for the formation of an election winning wing organization and finally financial support for the activities of election participants.
“The variations are extraordinary, and many ASNs are not aware of doing this, so these are things that need to be paid attention to so that we don't slip up,” he said.
Agus said that at the 2024 General Election, KASN found violations of ASN neutrality occurring in a number of regions, with 5 provinces being the most prominent. He said the 5 provinces included South Sulawesi (45 cases), Southeast Sulawesi (29 cases), Central Java (22), West Sulawesi (20) and Central Sulawesi (8).
Apart from that, Agus said that so far 13 ASNs had been given heavy sanctions in the form of dishonorable dismissal. The five ASN who were fired had positions in High Leadership Positions (JPT); 3 executors; 2 administrators; 2 village heads/district heads; and 1 functional. Thirteen ASNs were fired because they were proven to be members or administrators of political parties. “This is not a joke, this is serious,” he said.
Agus said KASN predicts that violations of ASN neutrality in 2024 will reach 10 thousand violations or a 5-fold increase compared to the 2020 election. This prediction relies on 2,304 ASN violations that occurred in 2020, even though the election was only held in 270 regions. With elections being held in 548 regions, KASN predicts that violations of ASN neutrality will also increase.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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