Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has a giant laboratory located in Depok, West Java.
The laboratory is called the Indonesia Digital Test House (IDTH) or Telecommunication Equipment Testing Center (BBPPT).
In total, the facility has 12 laboratories to carry out testing on telecommunications equipment to meet high safety and quality standards.
One of the laboratories functions to carry out radiation testing on cellphones. The place is the SAR & EMF Laboratory.
The Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo) has a giant laboratory whose function is to carry out radiation testing on smartphones. (CNBC Indonesia/ Intan Rakhmayanti Dewi)
This laboratory can carry out tests that measure the level of non-ionizing radiation from electromagnetic wave emissions produced by ICT devices attached to the human body, such as cellphones and tablet PCs.
Head of BBPPT Syaharuddin explained that in this laboratory, all cellphones in circulation will be tested at IDTH, both iPhones assembled abroad and Android cellphones whose factories are in Indonesia. This laboratory is the only place that provides this service.
“To check that cellphone radiation exceeds the set threshold, it is only available now,” he explained.
The cellphone radiation check facility at IDTH was only completed at the end of last year, and manufacturers are obliged to carry out radiation tests starting April 1 2024.
“So it was only a month ago that a radiation check was carried out. Previously it was not mandatory, but now it is mandatory. The new device is also a new obligation,” said Syaharuddin.
The device used to carry out this radiation test is Dasy 8, a yellow robot from the Swiss manufacturer, Speag.
“Old cellphone (issued), no-no (tested). On the new cellphone, yes, just to be sure.” he concluded.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]