Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – In a few days, all Muslims in the world will celebrate Eid al-Adha. This big day is synonymous with the slaughter of the Hajj and sacrificial animals.
So, when is Eid al-Adha 2024? The following is an explanation of several versions.
Muhammadiyah has set the date 29 Zulqa'dah 1445 Hijriyah (H) or the month before Zulhijah falls on Thursday, 6 June 2024. However, at Maghrib on 6 June 2024, the conjunction had not yet occurred (the conjunction only occurred at 19:04 WIB), so The Zulqa'dah month cycle has not yet ended.
Based on the Wujudul Hilal criteria, Zulqa'dah has been refined to 30 days, and 1 Zulhijah 1445 H falls on Saturday, June 8 2024, so Eid al-Adha for Muhammadiyah residents falls on Monday, June 17 2024.
Indonesian government
The Indonesian government, whose Zulqa'dah started one day later than Muhammadiyah, set the date for Zulqa'dah 29 1445 H to fall on Friday, June 7 2024.
At sunset on Friday, June 7 2024, the conjunction had occurred and the height of the crescent moon reached 8 degrees 48 seconds, fulfilling the criteria for the beginning of the month according to MABIMS or the Ministers of Religion of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore.
The government then determined that Saturday, June 8 2024, would be designated as 1 Zulhijah 1445 H. The government has set Eid al-Adha on Monday, June 17 2024. This is the same as the Mumahammdiyah version.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia sets the beginning of Zulqa'dah the same as Muhammadiyah, so that 29 Zulqa'dah 1445 AH also falls on Thursday, June 6 2024.
Based on calculations at Stellarium for Jeddah, the sun sets at 19:00 Saudi Time or 23:00 WIB and the height of the crescent moon is 1 degree 58 seconds.
The Saudi reckoning method is actually similar to Muhammadiyah's using Wiladatul Hilal. Because the position of the new moon is positive, Friday, June 7 2024 has entered 1 Zulhijah 1445 H. This is the basis for determining Friday, June 7 2024 as the beginning of Zulhijah, and Eid al-Adha is celebrated in Saudi Arabia on Sunday, June 16, 2024.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]