Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Tax reporting is one of the important things that must be done by taxpayers, both workers and business owners. The Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) continues to remind the importance of reporting Annual Tax Returns (SPT) as well as matching NIK and NPWP for Individual Taxpayers.
Taxpayers who do not file tax reports will be subject to sanctions and a number of fines. This often makes things difficult for various parties, fortunately, BRI Private provides tax consultation services (tax advisory) which assists selected customers in carrying out tax reporting.
For this reason, the public needs tax consultation services that can help guide tax reporting correctly so that data is not entered incorrectly.
Reporting of the 2024 SPT can also be done for taxpayers starting January 2024. The deadline for submitting the 2023 Tax SPT for Individual Taxpayers is valid until 31 March 2023 and for Business Entity Taxpayers until 30 April 2024.
Meanwhile, the deadline for matching the Population Identification Number (NIK) with the Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP) is June 30 2024. The large amount of data that needs to be filled in when reporting a tax return makes people often confused about submitting reports.
Benefits of Tax Consultation
Tax consultation or tax advisory has a number of important benefits for society. Tax consulting is a service that offers many solutions to tax problems by a professional tax consultant.
Tax advisor himself is a person or entity that provides tax consulting services to taxpayers to carry out tax rights and obligations in accordance with applicable laws.
A tax consultant can help taxpayers obtain a number of benefits, such as analyzing financial situations and providing appropriate advice for taxpayers.
Apart from that, tax consultants also help taxpayers understand complex and frequently changing tax-related regulations by providing appropriate advice, as well as avoiding errors in tax reporting that have the potential to result in sanctions or fines.
BRI Private Tax Advisory Services
To help provide convenience for its customers, BRI Private provides services Tax Advisory or tax consultation. BRI Private itself is a service provided by BRI to customers High Net Worth Individual (HNWI). To become a BRI Private customer, you must have Assets Under Management (AUM) of a minimum of IDR 15 billion.
By becoming a BRI Private service customer, you can enjoy various conveniences and first-class and exclusive services tailored to customer needs.
One of them is getting “Tax Advisory” privilege which is a tax consultant service to support Taxpayers (WP) in planning and carrying out the fulfillment of tax obligations in accordance with applicable regulations. This service also includes resolving tax administration problems which will be provided to BRI Private Customers by professional tax consultants.
This service is carried out by a professional, certified and experienced tax consultant, namely PT Prima Wahana Caraka (PwC), who will also be accompanied by a BRI Private Banker.
This service is a form of support for taxpayers in planning and carrying out the fulfillment of tax obligations in accordance with applicable regulations, including resolving tax administration problems.
Terms and Conditions for BRI Private Tax Advisory Services
Service Tax Advisory BRI Private is provided in the form of assistance by providing guidance, advice and insight into the plans and implementation of fulfilling tax obligations carried out by taxpayers or BRI Private customers.
With Tax Advisory services as one of the facilities provided by BRI Private, customers no longer need to worry about reporting and fulfilling their tax obligations. You can entrust your financial future and financial management with BRI Private. Because, #ForChosenPersons, whatever your banking needs, #BRIPrivate can be the best solution.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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