Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Indonesian people who intend to become civil servants need to monitor the registration of Candidates for State Civil Apparatus (CASN) 2024.
This year's CASN registration will be carried out in three periods and will start in May 2024. The opening is for the formation of Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).
This was conveyed by the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas, some time ago.
SPreviously, the government had announced that it would open CASN selection with 2.3 million formations in 2024. The formations being opened consisted of 690 thousand prospective civil servants and 1.6 million government employees with work agreements (PPPK).
Of the total number of CPNS vacancies, 225,000 were opened specifically for placement in the Indonesian Capital City (IKN). Meanwhile, PPPK vacancies have been opened to resolve the problem of honorary staff.
With the large number of formations opened, the selection will be divided into 3 stages. The first period is open for official schools. Second period for CPNS and PPPK. Meanwhile, period III will also carry out announcements and administrative selection for CPNS and PPPK admissions.
The following is how to register and administrative and other requirements at CASN 2024:
How and Link to Register for CPNS 2024
- Enter the official SSCASN website at sscasn.bkn.go.id or click the following link.
- Create an account using your population identification number (NIK)
- Log in by entering your NIK as your registered username and password
- Complete biodata
- Choose the type of selection for agency formation and position according to education
- Complete education data
- Upload required documents.
- Check the completeness of all uploaded results
- Print information cards and registration cards
- The information verifier will verify the applicant's documents
- If the administrative selection is declared passed, print the exam card in your SSCASN account
- The agency selection committee will announce the applicant's graduation information
- Filing and Determination of NIP
2024 CPNS Registration Document Requirements
- Family card
- Resident identity card (KTP) or certificate from the Population and Civil Registry Service
- Certificate
- Transcripts
- Passport photo
- Selfie/selfie
Other Requirements for 2024 CPNS Registration
- Never been sentenced to imprisonment for 2 years or more.
- Never been honorably dismissed at your own request or dishonorably as a civil servant/soldier from the Indonesian National Army
- (TNI)/Indonesian State Police (POLRI).
- Never been dishonorably dismissed as a private employee.
- Not currently serving as a CPNS, civil servant, TNI soldier, or member of the POLRI.
- Not be a member or administrator of a political party (political party) or be involved in practical politics.
- Have educational qualifications that match the position requirements.
- Physically and mentally healthy in accordance with the requirements of the position applied for.
- Willing to be placed in all regions of the Republic of Indonesia or other countries determined by government agencies.
CPNS Formation 2024
1. Ministry of Religion (Kemenag)
The Ministry of Religion announced the opening of formations of 110,553 people, consisting of 20,772 CPNS and 89,781 PPPK. This formation includes madrasa teachers, Christian vocational and Catholic high school teachers, religious PTN lecturers, religious instructors, religious leaders, digital talents, as well as placements at IKN.
2. Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek)
Then, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology will open 15,462 CPNS positions and 25,079 PPPK positions. This formation will help solve the problem of honorary teaching staff and meet human resource needs in universities and placements in the National Capital City (IKN).
3. Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos)
The Ministry of Social Affairs itself will open CASN formations, namely 40,839. The formation consists of 266 candidates for state civil servants (CASN) and 40,573 government employees with work agreements (PPPK).
In detail, this formation is planned to be filled by 125 CPNS Technical Personnel, 141 CPNS Health Personnel, 40,508 PPPK Technical Personnel, and 65 PPPK Health Personnel.
4. Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub)
The Ministry of Transportation has received approval to open 18,017 positions, consisting of CPNS and PPPK, with a focus on improving the quality of transportation services.
The 18,017 formations consist of prospective civil servants (CPNS) and government employees with work agreements (PPPK), with details of 1,385 CPNS Technical Personnel, 6 CPNS Health Personnel, 16,543 PPPK Technical Personnel, and 83 PPPK Health Personnel.
5. Ministry of Public Development and Public Housing (PUPR)
In 2024, the Ministry of PUPR will receive 26,319 ASN people with details of 6,385 CPNS technical personnel, 3 CPNS health workers and 19,931 Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) technical personnel.
6. General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu)
Bawaslu will accept 18,557 CASN positions, including CPNS and PPPK for important positions in supporting the institution's performance.
The details are 1,984 CPNS and 16,573 PPPK, including formations that are important in supporting Bawaslu's performance, such as legal analysts, supervisory analysts and auditors.
7. Ministry of Health (Kemenkes)
Next is the Ministry of Health which will open the 2024 CASN formation of 23,200. The formation consists of 8,607 CPNS and 14,593 PPPK.
The formation opened by the Ministry of Health will later be placed in a number of ministries/institutions and regional governments. They will work in campus clinics and in local government.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]