Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Bathing is an important ritual to maintain personal hygiene. Some people may have their own preference whether to shower with warm or cold water.
Whatever it is, both cold and hot water showers have their own benefits for health. However, because the benefits are different, you can adjust for yourself which benefits best suit your individual needs and conditions.
Understanding when to take a hot or cold shower is very important. Both provide tremendous potential health benefits and can affect your body differently.
Arthritis sufferers, for example, may benefit more from a warm shower in the morning versus a cold shower because the water is more easily absorbed by bones and allows them to experience increased mobility. However, an athlete suffering from a sports injury may benefit from cold showers which can help reduce inflammation.
Avoid bathing in temperatures that are too cold or too hot, as this can harm your health.
Benefits of cold showers
Like most people, you probably prefer a warm shower to a cold shower, however, it turns out there are some amazing benefits to cold showers.
Quoting WebMD, bathing in water with a temperature of 10 to 15 degrees Celsius is considered a cold shower. Here are the benefits:
1. Keeps hair shiny and skin hydrated
When taking a hot shower, the pores open, while a cold shower can tighten the pores and help retain natural oils in the skin and hair. Those who are prone to dry skin or concerned about dry, brittle hair may want to consider rinsing with cool water as often as possible.
2. Improve mental health and increase body immunity
Cold water stimulates the production of noradrenaline and beta-endorphins. Electrical impulses are sent from nerve endings to the brain when we take a cold shower, and this chemical reaction may have an antidepressant effect in some individuals.
Taking a cold shower can prevent you from catching a cold because it improves your immune system and makes you more resistant to disease.
3. Improve circulation
When our body senses cold water, it naturally goes into survival mode and reacts by increasing the heart rate. Cold water puts your circulatory system into overdrive, causing your heart to pump more efficiently and improving overall circulation throughout your body.
With increased circulation, your skin will clear up annoying spots over time and appear healthier overall.
As your body struggles to stay warm, the increased response will increase metabolism.
Benefits of a hot shower
Everyone loves soaking in the tub or taking a long, warm shower. You may not know that every time you take a hot bath, you are also enjoying several health benefits.
Here are some of the benefits of a hot shower:
1. Burn some calories
When you soak in a hot tub, you lose a few calories. However, hot showers and baths should not be used as a substitute for exercise, and you should limit your shower time when using hot water because it can increase the risk of burns or heat stroke.
2. Keeps skin clean and healthy
A hot shower can help open pores and remove toxins trapped in the skin throughout the day. If you have acne or feel your skin needs a good cleanse, instead, take a warm shower.
3. Sleep becomes better quality
The muscles in your body may feel tense after a long day, and a warm shower or bath can help you relax, calming your body while calming your mind.
Taking a warm shower a few hours before bed can actually help you get better sleep. Additionally, cleaning yourself before bed will reduce the buildup of germs, dirt, sweat, and body oils that can build up on your bed over time.
Making a warm bath at night a regular part of your routine can improve sleep quality and help reduce stress.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]