Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – In China, there is a laboratory deep underground. The laboratory was prepared to investigate the universe.
China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJUL) is located under the Jinping mountains, Sichuan Province, China. Located 2,400 meters below the surface with an area of 330 thousand cubic meters being the largest underground.
CJUL is home to various research projects. They will work on different experiments, but for the purpose of finding out what dark matter is.
IFL Science writes that dark matter does not emit, absorb or reflect light. It is also not a form of electromagnetic radiation. quoted Friday (14/6/2024).
This makes dark matter invisible and difficult to detect. However, its existence is due to the gravitational effect of visible matter.
In IFL Science's notes, 1-10% of the universe is made of normal atomic matter. While the rest or most of it is made of dark energy and matter.
PandaX chief scientist Liu Jianglai explains that every step taken there is a big leap. PandaX itself is one of the research projects at CJUL.
“Whether we will discover dark matter or not, every step taken leads to the unknown. So every small step forward is a big leap,” he explained.
CJUL is the best place because underground is the place to find out about dark matter. Usually the laboratories there will protect material from cosmic rays and radiation on the Earth's surface.
It can even interfere with sensitive detectors, looking for dark matter interactions. So it will create some kind of false signal that muddies the waters.
There are many similar facilities, including in the United States (US). The laboratory called the Sanford Underground Research Facility is located 1,478 meters under the Black Hills in South Dakota.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]