Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The body is a valuable asset that humans have. Therefore, health must be well maintained, one way of maintaining health through diet is controlling the amount of daily sugar consumption.
Based on Minister of Health Regulation (Permenkes) Number 30 of 2013 concerning the Inclusion of Information on Sugar, Salt and Fat Content and Health for Processed Food and Ready-to-Eat Food, the Indonesian Ministry of Health recommends consuming 10 percent of sugar from the total energy of 200 kcal.
If we refer to the health regulation, the recommended daily amount of sugar consumption is 50 grams of sugar or around four tablespoons per day.
Consuming sugar beyond the daily recommended limit can cause a buildup of sugar content in the body. As a result, the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease increases.
Every individual must recognize the signs that appear in the body due to excess sugar in order to avoid the risk of further disease. So, what are the signs that the body has excess sugar?
1. Frequent thirst and urination
Frequent thirst and urination are common signs that your body contains too much sugar. Reporting from Everyday Health, urinating too often indicates that the kidneys are “working too hard” to get rid of excess glucose.
People with high blood sugar tend to experience frequent hunger or polyphagia. However, note Cleveland Clinic found that people with high blood sugar experienced significant weight loss even though they ate a lot.
“This is caused by the body not getting energy from the desired source. Thus, the energy shifts to muscle and fat,” explained Dietitian, Lori Zanini, quoted Thursday (4/1/2024).
“When the body starts breaking down muscle and fat to produce energy, you experience unhealthy weight loss,” he adds.
Apart from changes in body weight and appetite, people with high blood sugar tend to experience frequent muscle weakness and frequent falls.
3. Often tired
Often feeling tired is a sign that blood sugar in the body is not controlled.
“Simply put, when the body does not process insulin properly or there is not enough insulin, sugar will remain in the blood and not enter the cells to be used as energy,” said Zanini.
4. Blurred vision and frequent headaches
According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), high blood sugar levels can cause swelling of the lens in the eye due to fluid leaking.
It is claimed that lens swelling can change the shape of the lens, making vision blurry and difficult to focus. Apart from that, sufferers of high blood sugar levels will also often experience headaches.
5. Wounds on the skin are difficult to heal or disappear
According to NIDDK, injuries; scratches; so that bruises in sufferers of high blood sugar levels will be slow or difficult to heal. Because diabetes, which damages nerves, can affect blood circulation, delaying wound healing due to insufficient blood flow.
In some cases, minor wounds in diabetes sufferers are more susceptible to infection. As a result, these minor injuries can increase the risk of leg amputation.
6. Feet and Hands Often Tingle
Uncontrolled blood sugar can cause nerve damage or diabetic neuropathy.
Launching from Everyday Health, diabetic neuropathy causes symptoms in the form of a tingling sensation or even numbness in the feet and hands. In some cases, people with high blood sugar levels also often experience pain in their feet and hands, especially at night.
7. Skin Changes
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), generally the skin of diabetics will appear warts. Apart from that, a number of areas of the skin, especially on the back of the neck, hands, armpits and face will also thicken and darken.
Zanini said that these changes in the skin could be a sign of insulin resistance and a warning that blood sugar levels are increasing.
8. Often experience fungal infections
According to the ADA, hyperglycemia can make diabetes sufferers susceptible to fungal infections in the genital area caused by candida albicans.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), symptoms of yeast infections in women generally include vaginal itching, redness or pain, pain during sexual intercourse, pain when urinating, and abnormally thick vaginal discharge.
Although yeast infections are common in people who don't have diabetes, having more glucose in your blood puts you at higher risk of developing the disease.
“Yeast feeds on glucose, and if your blood sugar is high, there is more glucose in the urinary tract,” explains Endocrinologist at MemorialCare South County Kidney and Endocrine Center, Rail Bandukwala.
9. Bleeding Gums
NIDDK states that gum disease is one of the complications of diabetes that makes diabetes more difficult to control. Because the body's response to infection is to release more glucose into the bloodstream.
When sugar levels are high, the glucose content in saliva also increases. The more glucose there is, the more bacteria will combine with food in the mouth to form plaque and cause gum disease.
Launching from Mayo Clinicif not treated, this disease can progress to periodontitis, which can cause the gums to separate from the teeth, the appearance of pus or ulcers, or even tooth loss.
[Gambas:Video CNBC]
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